Electronic Stethoscope Wins February Pitch-Off!
What a great crowd and atmosphere we had for the pitch-off on Tuesday at Geaghan's Tasting Room in Brewer! About 75 people packed in to hear our 3 innovative entrepreneurs and our "Big Rig" guest speaker! First up, Xander Karris pitched his version of the belgeri, an Ancient Greek toy similar to a fidget spinner. Krishna Jamadagni then pitched his idea for an electronic stethoscope that can diagnose heart and lung problems. The third and final pitcher of the evening was Zachary Dalrymple who pitched Dog Company Food, frozen dog food molds to help control dogs' eating habits. After some constructive feedback from our Big Wig judges, Sarah Morneault, Stephen Rollins, and Alison Keane, the audience and the judges voted for their top choice, and Krishna Jamadagni was announced as the winner! We were also fortunate enough to have Andrew Geaghan, Owner of Geaghan Brothers Brewing Co., as our "Big Rig" guest speaker! He told us the story of how he became an entrepreneur and that his best advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is just to follow your passion! Thanks to all who attended, and we look forward to seeing you at our Finale in April, where all of the regular season winners will pitch to win $5000!