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Big Gig Events


We scheduled four Big Gigs for the 2023 - 2024 season. Each event was on a Tuesday evening, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

  • Regular Season Event 1, October 3rd, Maine Savings Amphitheater's Premium Seat Club , Bangor

  • Regular Season Event 2, November 14th, TBA

  • Regular Season Event 3, February 13th, TBA

  • The Finale, April 9th, TBA


All events have a well-stocked cash bar, but there is no charge for admission or the great buffet of fresh appetizers!


Big Gigs are fun, friendly affairs. You are likely to find that people are encouraging you to pursue your ideas. And they will be eager to introduce you to a supportive community of innovators, entrepreneurs, funders, professional-service providers, and government officials. We want to help make your ideas reality.


Following the initial half-hour or so of networking, drinking, and noshing, there is a pitch-off between three contestants, each of whom hopes to hone their 5-minute presentation, get helpful feedback and publicity for their idea, win that evening's $500 cash prize, and qualify to compete in the Finale for the $5000 grand prize.


A panel of three local "Big Wigs" gives feedback to each pitch-off participant and has a partial say in who wins, along with voting by the audience.

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