COVID-19 Edition
Big Gig's mission is to support local, Maine entrepreneurs, and we realized we had an opportunity during this pandemic to help them even further.
With a generous grant from Machias Savings Bank, we will be giving a total of $5000 to three finalists during a special, COVID-19 edition of Big Gig online on July 28th. To qualify, these small businesses and startups must have pivoted their businesses, recognize an opportunity to pivot their business but can’t currently afford to do so, or have created a business in response to the needs of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
How to Participate
1. To apply you must have pivoted your business, recognize an opportunity to pivot your business but can’t currently afford to do so, or have created a business in response to the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic. An example of a "pivot" may be a business that went from brick and mortar to online, launched a new COVID-related product, changed their target market, etc.
2. Apply by Tuesday, July 14th using the application form below.
3. Our Steering Committee will then review the applications and ask the top 12 to pitch their pivot or new business at our private event, Little Gig, on Wednesday, July 22nd from 5:00 to 7:00PM. The top 12 will be notified by Friday, July 17th.
4. During Little Gig, all entrepreneurs will have 5 minutes to pitch their pivot or new business to our Steering Committee over Zoom without the use of slides.
5. At the end of Little Gig, the Steering Committee will choose the top 3 pitchers to move onto the public Big Gig Pitch-Off on Tuesday, July 28th at 5:30PM.
6. During the Big Gig Pitch Off, the 3 entrepreneurs will pitch again to a panel of friendly judges and attendees over Zoom.
7. The judges and attendees will then vote for their favorite entrepreneur, and the finalists will receive a total of $5000, generously provided by Machias Savings Bank. 1st place will receive $2500, 2nd will get $1500, and 3rd place will receive $1000.
***Complementing the COVID-19 Edition Big GIg on July 28th, Blitz, the Bangor area’s entrepreneurship conference, is hosting a special, no-cost, half-day, online conference on July 23, 2020, from 12:45-4:45 pm EST. The conference will provide an opportunity for Maine business owners to connect with other business owners and get a quick infusion of actionable items, out of the box ideas and overall support that can help them navigate these challenging and quickly changing times. Register