Big Gig Events
We scheduled four Big Gigs for the 2020 - 2021 season. Each event was on a Tuesday evening, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Virtual Event 1, November 17th, Hosted online
Virtual Event 2, January 26th, Hosted online
Virtual Event 3, March 9th, Hosted Online
The Finale, April 13th, Hosted Online
Little Gig
In order to pitch at a Big Gig, anyone interested must submit an application ahead of time and participate in the Little Gig, which is held the week prior to the Big Gig and are now held virtually.
The specified deadline for applications almost always is about 1.5 weeks prior to a Big Gig.
Following this deadline, all applicants are emailed more details and requested to attend the Little Gig on ZOOM, with that event held on a weekday from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
At a Little Gig, our team of experienced (but kind!) advisors encourages the pitchers, helps refine their trial presentations, and then selects three of them to move on to the Big Gig the following week. For those pitchers not selected, we strongly urge them to attend the Big Gig, observe the process, talk to people, and consider applying again for a subsequent Little Gig.
Big Gig
Is a series of three pitch-off competions held over of the course of the year before the finale in April. The pitchoffs are virtually held and consit of three contestants selected from the Little Gig virtual pitch offs that were a week and a half prior. Each of whom hopes to hone their 5-minutepresentation, get helpful feedback and publicity for their idea, and win that evening's $500 cash prize, qualifing to compete in the Finale for the $5000 grand prize.
A panel of three local "Big Wigs" gives feedback to each pitch-off participant and has a partial say in who wins, along with voting by the audience.